With limited funding from government and resources being cut to the arts all the time, it takes individuals who are both bold and passionate to step forward and help so that the Gandy Bagpiping Foundation can exist, helping pipers locally, nationally and internationally to achieve their goals.
There are several ways to make donations: cash, cheque, paypal through your account or credit card. Make cheques payable to Gandy Bagpiping Foundation.
NEW! Auto deposit is now available for etransfer to the Foundation. Use the email address
If you would like to discuss how you can help, or have ideas for the Foundation, please contact Bruce through the
A NOTE ABOUT OUR NAME: The Bruce Gandy Bagpiping Development Society has received approval from the Province of Nova Scotia to change its name to the Gandy Bagpiping Foundation and this change is still being processed by the CRA. Until CRA approval is received for the name change, donations will be received and charitable tax receipted in the name of the Bruce Gandy Bagpiping Development Society.